Bad behavior must have consequences

Offenses are punished. Inevitably and without exception. This should be the basic principle of every father, and the children should know this just as much as the wife. But this requires clear rules, unambiguous orders, and unmistakable prohibitions. If a man does not lay these down from the beginning, he will not be able to assert himself either to the children or to his wife.

Peter Baumann knew the principle from his childhood and youth. Clear laws applied at home, and anyone who did not abide by them was summoned to his father's office. He wasn't the only one who had repeatedly walked down this aisle with his head bowed. His two sisters were also not exempt from the domestic punishment. And they all knew that their mother was also subject to the rod of chastisement, even if it was usually applied in the parental bedroom during the absence of the children.

Father never punished in public or in the presence of guests. Punishment was a private matter, and father was the only one in the house authorized to do so. A characteristic that his son Peter had also adopted. Like his father, he used a leather strap a good four fingers wide, which he always kept in the bottom drawer of his desk. And he reserved the right to use it whenever one of the children gave him cause to do so. 

The children were an eight-year-old son, whom he had brought into the marriage himself, and two daughters, who had just reached puberty and came from his wife. The same rules applied to all three, and when one of them was broken, the simple announcement was: "Meet me in my office in half an hour."

The girls usually spontaneously burst into tears in response. The boy accepted it rather silently and defiantly. The procedure was always the same, and it meant taking off jeans and any kind of underwear, bending over the edge of the desk and presenting oneself for punishment in probably the best possible way. All begging and pleading was futile, the three had learned that early on. So it was a matter of gritting their teeth, clinging to the edge of the desk and humbly enduring the merciless bite of the leather. Then for the rest of the day, house arrest was the order of the day and the girls were instructed to help their mother in the kitchen.

After punishing the boy, he sent him to his room with an admonition. If it was one of the girls, on the other hand, he expected a gesture of humility. She had to get on her knees before him, apologize for her offense, and gratefully kiss the hand that had previously chastised her. A woman must be taught submissiveness, was his conviction. Her later husband would thank him for it, for a woman who was accustomed to being punished in the time-honored way was seldom inclined to rebelliousness and would usually do anything to please her husband. 

His children were known by teachers and neighbors for their conspicuous politeness. Visitors, too, were always full of praise for the well-mannered offspring. Not infrequently, they believed in a miracle when they compared these obedient children with their own offspring, who not infrequently showed themselves to be impudent and challenging. But the prudent father avoided talking about his parenting methods, which had been tried and tested for generations. Such views were not well received today, no matter how convincing the results. The children themselves were rather embarrassed and preferred to keep to themselves what was understood by education at home.

The rules that applied in the Baumann home were anything but extraordinary: absolute politeness toward adults and especially toward one's own parents should actually be a matter of course for every child. All parents should also teach their children respect for all people. Looking down on certain people or talking disparagingly about them was simply not allowed. Every child should also master good table manners and quarrels between siblings should be absolutely taboo. Peter Baumann had also set strict rules regarding the use of smartphones and computers. Children who were only half-attentive at all times and were constantly wiping away on their phones were simply not to be allowed in his house.

Incidentally, a very similar set of rules applied to his wife. He also expected her to behave in a polite and friendly manner in public and, above all, to show absolute respect for him. She was not allowed to dress carelessly, regardless of whether she was inside or outside the house. And she was also only allowed to use her smartphone when there was something to communicate. Time-consuming games or pointless chatting were simply forbidden, and she had to expect her master of the house to check her compliance with this rule at any time.

These occasional checks of her cell phone were actually only demonstrative. Because of course there was a spy function on her device that not only constantly told him where she was, but also who she was talking to on the phone and exchanging short messages with, and which websites she was visiting. Trust is good, but control is simply better, was his conviction. A man should leave nothing to chance and keep a constant eye on his wife. 

He also had very specific requirements when it came to his wife's physical cleanliness. This included that so had to be completely depilated. Underarm hair on women was anathema to him. But also the legs and of course the entire rest of the body had to be free of any hair and feel as smooth as a baby's bottom. He also wanted to see and feel her pussy as it was. He had never been able to understand how other men got along with a woman who hid her most important body part under a wildly sprouting tuft of hair. He would single-handedly shave a woman who came under his eyes like that. 

The children probably suspected that their mother was subject to the same breeding as they were. True, they had never witnessed her chastisement. But there were definitely days when your two daughters knew exactly that mother had been punished. You could see that not only in their tear-stained faces. She also found it difficult to sit on her chastised bottom without holding her breath to suppress the pain.

His wife was not only chastised in the absence of the children. Nor did her chastisement take place in his home office, but upstairs in the marital bedroom. There he demanded first of all that she bare herself completely in principle before he went into action. A woman had to be naked when punished, was his conviction. This not only inculcated in him who had dominion over his body. It also put her in a situation of absolute submission, and she knew that she had no chance whatsoever to escape the full effect of her punishment.

He was inventive in the way he punished her. Mostly she had to bend over the foot end of the common marriage bed and he pulled her with strong blows the thick leather over, which announced with each blow with an impressive Knapp that it had drawn a fiery weal on her buttocks or also her thighs. Sometimes he also put hand and foot cuffs on her, made her kneel on the bed and tied all the cuffs together in such a way that she could not help stretching her butt in the air and waiting for his burning blows. 

But he also had an inflatable pillow, the kind older people liked to use to put their legs up when resting. For him, it was an ideal tool to ensure that his prone wife was draped on the bed in such a way that his butt formed the highest part of her body and was thus optimally aligned for the bite of the leather. A leather strap thereby ensured that she was firmly lashed to the pillow and had no chance of leaving her punishment position, while her hands and feet were tied to the bed to deprive her of any thought of avoiding her well-deserved punishment.

His wife was in charge of supervising the children. It was also her job to make sure that they always did their schoolwork, brought home good grades, and showed polite behavior at all times. If they got bad grades or if complaints came to his attention, he interpreted this as poor educational work on the part of his wife and punished not only the children but also her.

He tended to combine the pleasant with the useful. Therefore, his wife's punishments usually took place in the afternoon, after the children had finished their homework and were engaged in some leisure activity outside the house. Then it was time for a joint nap, which began with a strong chastisement and ended with him comforting his wife again, who was in tears, and spoiling her with a particularly intense fuck. 

Punishment must be, but it should have no influence on the special love for his wife.