Not two generations ago, the cane still had its place in every family. At that time the cane still hissed regularly through the air until its force was absorbed by two more or less fleshy buttocks with an ominous noise. It elicited shrill screams and left thick swelling welts that took weeks to heal.

But appearance is deceptive. Family life according to the old rules has meanwhile become rather rare. But they still exist: families where nothing has really changed for generations. Families in which the rod of correction still reigns and an overpowering father provides the desired discipline. On the outside you can recognize such families by the last girls in the world who still wear skirts. Girls who seem somehow introspective are less conspicuous in the everpresent giggles of all the others. Subdued girls who tend to be marginalized rather than being the center of attention and are so well-behaved that you wonder how their parents managed it.

The reason is very simple. In a family where the old rules still apply, a girl from an early age has only two choices: obey or be beaten. So it tries to be as inconspicuous as possible in order to keep her as far away from mother's wooden spoon and father's leather strap as possible. Behavior that sooner or later becomes second nature to her and visible to anyone who deals with this sweet, good girl.

There used to be strict Catholics who took their faith very seriously and raised their children with the strictness they believed God intended. Especially in the countryside you could see them: mothers who regularly went to confession to confess their real or imagined sins to the ears of their pastor. Young girls who felt it their duty to tell him about the unpardonable sin of touching themselves between their legs and enjoying it too. Pretty young women who thought their lust was a sin because they weren't married yet and wives who had been taught that a decent woman wouldn't do this and that and who had done it anyway.

In the meantime, the church has lost its influence. Actually, only old women go to confession and the pastor preaches mostly in front of empty pews. Meanwhile, young people whore around and even marriage is no longer understood as a bond for life, but at best as a promise that is only valid as long as sex remains attractive and feelings for each other have not yet cooled. What the church says about divorce no one cares anymore because life goes on and it's a man's nature to leave his seed in as many cunts as he can find. Although today he is no longer concerned with reproduction, but with pure lust, which must be satisfied while it is still there.

The true believers have become a scattered remnant. They gather around charismatic leaders who share true beliefs and constantly dig through the ancient scriptures to discover new do's and don'ts for their followers. People then talk about sects and the world actually looks down on these strange weirdos who only keep in touch with each other and often even live secluded in lonely places where they can pursue their version of the pure doctrine undisturbed.

The fanatical preachers of modern times like to write books, because they consider it extremely important to record their thoughts for posterity. They refer to the Bible and their whole life, actions and thoughts revolve around the words of the Lord. But for their followers, every word that the enlightened leader has uttered is of significant importance. Therefore, when such an enlightened emissary of the Lord stands on the stage and utters stern words about the laws of the Lord, there is dead silence in the church. Noteworthy is, that such words remarkably often revolve around sin and damnation. And they describe exactly how a true Christian has to live in order to find God's approval.

Brother Herrmann was one of these enlightened ones. At least to those who hung on his every word whenever he called for another sermon, he was the saint who would bring the world out of its darkness, while they saw themselves as the chosen ones, shining like bright lights in this corrupt world, because they did exactly what was assigned to them and which made the Lord happy.

This time he spoke of the children. There were a great many of these in the church, for birth control was considered a tool of the devil and the fruit of the womb was the sign of a godly woman. Since, of course, believing men are no less lustful for women than other men, it was customary for a true Christian woman to give birth to child after child. And she was expected to be very happy about it. After all, it was a sign that she was loved by her husband and that she was an obedient wife who humbly submitted to his rule. And it was proof that she was living the laws of the Lord and was willing to rear the fruit of her womb in His mind to make godly followers out of her children.

“What does the Bible tell us when it comes to raising our children in a godly manner?” Herrmann began his speech. “What are his words that he addresses especially to the fathers among us who bear the responsibility for this task? What is best for our little ones and those who are a bit older and are already on the verge of becoming a woman? What are the commandments we should all know and heed?”

The congregation had heard these and similar questions from his mouth several times, but Brother Herrmann could still be sure of the full attention of all those who had gathered before him.

"It will surprise you that in all this thick Scripture there are only two phrases deal specifically with the upbringing of children, and one of these is well known to all of us: He who spares the rod spoils the child. Those present nodded approvingly, while a slight murmur filled the room. The children looked down in shame and quite a few pretty young women were obviously embarrassed by this topic and shifted restlessly in their seats. "But there is one more sentence we should internalize: If you hit the boy with the rod, he will certainly not die from it."

“Now of course we know that the Lord meant anything but just the boys. No, the rod of discipline is of course also a very helpful tool for the girls to teach them humility and obedience. I would even like to say that it is the girls in particular who need our attention. Because from a girl we expect virtues such as gentleness, long-suffering and devotion in a very special way. We all want our girls not to be swept away by rebellion and unbridled lust as they grow older and become victims of the evil world that surrounds us all and is in the clutches of Satan. We want them to develop into women that every man appreciates. We want them to turn into wives who make their husbands happy because they have been accustomed all their lives to respecting authority and submitting to the divine order.”

He let his eyes wander over the crowd and paused demonstratively to underline what had been said so far: "And the authority in the family is of course the father above all. He is the master of the house. He makes all decisions. And he has the right to be respected by all family members. What Father says is law. What he decides is immutable. And of course, as we all know, not only in his capacity as a father, but also as a husband.”

"But let's stay with the daughters and turn to the little girls first. They instinctively realize, of course, that father is the most important person in the family. They know he has far-reaching rights. But they were born sinful beings just like all of us. That means they don't have a natural urge to obey, instead there is this spirit of rebellion that is deeply rooted within them and that needs to be extinguished. So every father knows that even very young girl can be stubborn and stamp her feet to persistently resist the words of their mother or father. And he also knows that right now he has a strong urge to teach his little, pretty, sweet girl a tough lesson.”

This time it was the men in the hall who signaled agreement, knowing only too well that Brother Herrmann's words were right in the heart of life. "For anyone who has been through this situation - and I'm sure all fathers know it all too well - I have only one piece of advice: remember the words of the Lord and do not hesitate to obey them."

“The Lord did not say understand her, have patience with her, encourage her, and try to bring her to her senses with many kind words. No, his advice is clear and it is plain and simple: use the rod of correction. Of course, when she's very young, it doesn't have to be the literal rod, but a father's flat hand is the sufficient to put a stubborn girl in her place. A few loud slapping blows will bring her to tears and make her scream loudly. But this treatment is the only means to put an end to the spook immediately. A remedy that has been tried and tested for thousands of years and that still produces the expected result today.”

“But you should not forget one principle, dear fathers: Punishment must hurt. A punishment must make the little one scream and have a quick effect. But of course, we shouldn't lose sight of her tender age despite all the severity. A slap in the face is therefore taboo for very young girls. But a few rough slaps on their tiny butt is never wrong. So put her over your knee and pull up her skirt. Pull her panties below her knees and strike her. No more than a dozen times, but determined and tough enough for her to feel it. She will wriggle and squeal as you do so, but punishment is punishment and she must learn unequivocally that she simply cannot ignore your will. Not this time, and not in all the years that she is living in your home until she is given into the hands of a husband.”

“I had a very refreshing conversation with a mother just recently. Although she sought my advice for a different reason, she told me how she handles the upbringing of her youngest, in particular. She didn't think slapping her in the face was the right thing either, but she had found a way to correct the little one on the spot and without much fuss. As a housewife, she almost always had a wet washcloth at hand and she slapped it in the little one's face whenever she was naughty. It hurts, dear parents, but it doesn't leave any visible marks and is therefore a very sensible alternative for girls in a tender age."

"In course of time - and the older fathers among us know this very well - the palm of the hand will no longer be enough to make a girl's butt dance. It just won't be painful enough to make the girl see and change her behavior forever. The exact time is different for every girl, but when it comes, a father senses it and knows he needs to take different measures. It's the time she needs to feel the leather strap. The leather strap or a thin cane that has a comparable effect. Strap and cane will get her screaming again and an experienced father knows he's on the right track.”

"But don't be fooled. A girl is very smart when it comes to avoiding her punishment. And she will do anything to soften her father's heart. Some weep heartrendingly as soon as a punishment is even announced. Others shriek with every blow that you would think they were facing death. But a determined father won't let that faze him. The rod of discipline, the Lord said, and that's what she needs to feel to stay on the right path. And her punishment must be administered with powerful blows that leave long-lasting marks not only on her skin but also in their mind.”

This was probably the moment at which some of the girls present this morning were reminded of their last punishment. It's not without effect on a girl, after all, when she has to witness the hands of strong men reaching out to position her and strip her naked so that her father's favorite tool of punishment could have its full effect. Those concerned still sat with their eyes downcast and clearly embarrassed. As always, they had dressed up to attend the service. And they held their Bibles in their hands – the very book which described exactly how to deal with disobedient girls in order to break their will and exorcise them of any kind of rebellion.

“The most difficult phase of upbringing is of course the years in which a girl leaves her childhood and unmistakably develops into a woman. Even the few remaining strict parents out there in the world will stop punishing their daughters at this point. They say it's just not the right thing to do and that a father especially shouldn't witness the miraculous transformation his daughter goes through as she begins to menstruate and the signs of her femininity become more and more apparent.”

“It must be said here that more than two thousand years ago it was considered a disgrace among the people of God for a daughter to menstruate in her father's house. At the latest when this happened, she was considered marriageable and if she was reasonably pretty, there were probably enough young men queuing up to make her their property. Yes, you heard that right, property. It was also part of God's provisions that a woman should be in the possession of a man for her entire life – meaning to be his property. In the beginning, it's her father who literally owns her. At the time of her becoming a wife, it is her husband who has paid a bride price for her and from that point on may consider her his property. And as you know, brethren, what is in a man's possession he can dispose of as he pleases. He can take care of it in order to enjoy it for as long as possible. He can neglect it and ignore it. And it's up to him whether he's gentle or rough with it. A principle which, in the eyes of our Lord and Creator, applies not only to material possessions, but also to every woman over whom a man has taken responsibility.”

A girl of old was therefore damn lucky if her father had married her to a man who truly cherished and loved her. It's safe to assume that fathers back then were no different than they are today and that many fathers were willing not to sell their daughters to the man who would make them happy, but to whoever would pay the highest bride price for them, no matter how he would deal with her afterwards. This principle can still be observed today in many countries in the Islamic world. There, too, the price determines the value of a daughter and many an unhappy girl is sold to an old man who wants to treat himself to a young pleasure in his final days. Or who is useful for the family for other reasons.”

“But let us return to the subject of our service today. A pubescent girl is of course anything but taboo for a father. She is still under his control and at this age he must do everything he can to ensure that she does not go astray from her way and become a victim of feelings that are new and unknown to her. Some fathers therefore believe that her pubescence is exactly at the age when he has to be particularly strict and unyielding with her. After all, this is the time when her carefree childhood is over and her body is gradually getting ready to please her future husband. And if that is a true Christian husband, he will not want to associate with a whore who has already lost her virginity to someone else.”

Brother Herrmann knew that he would meet with the undivided approval of the congregation on this point as well. And since he was feared particularly among the community's teens, every girl on the verge of womanhood knew that very special advice was about to follow. After all, it was about nothing less than protecting the prospective young women from the claws of the omnipresent Satan and thus preserving them as marriage material for the young men in the church. And that’s what they were considered: Marriage material and nothing else.

“I recently spoke to a father in our church who clearly saw the problem. Just in time for the first menstrual period, he made a radical change in the upbringing of his youngest. From that moment on, it wasn't just a lot more face slapping than ever before, and often for minor reasons. The girl was also subjected to rigorous surveillance and henceforth had to abide by strict rules. For this reason, this exemplary father determined exactly how she was to sleep and what nightwear was considered appropriate. Her previous nightgown was now taboo. Instead, she had to wear white pajamas. Her mother could easily check  her night clothes every morning to see at a glance whether it showed any telltale signs. As you know, their freshly awakened instincts lead many a girl to commit unchaste acts. However, fear of leaving a clear mark is an effective way to ensure she is not tempted to play with herself at night and commit a major sin. The father in question had also decreed that she always had to sleep with her legs firmly held together. If he found her in an improper posture on one of his nocturnal rounds, he immediately pulled the covers off her and the leather strap went into action. Legs wide open are a wife's sole prerogative, and only then when she is about to open up to her husband.”

“But have no illusions, dear fathers in the Lord. The sex drive is strong and there is no girl who can resist it forever. Of course, Satan also knows this and will do everything to expose the young people to temptations that will give them the wrong ideas. It is therefore true that we are on the right track if we refrain from the influence of television and if we do not allow our children access to the Internet, where they are exposed to countless moral dangers. But we still live in this world, even if we, as true Christians, try not to be a part of it. For this reason, Satan will always want to find ways to expose our children to bad influences and poison their pure spirits. Any form of self-abuse should therefore be prevented from the outset and a girl convicted of this sin deserves a really severe punishment.”

“Also, you shouldn't underestimate one major fact. Only holy marriage will protect your daughters from Satan's temptation ant the resulting disgrace. Only when a girl is in the possession of her husband, can she sinlessly experience the pleasures meant for her. Then she no longer has to practice self-abuse because then she enjoys the joy that only a real man can give her. It is therefore all the more important that we release our daughters into marriage as early as possible. It is true that we can no longer follow the Bible's advice and marry them off as soon as they start menstruating. But according to secular law, when a girl is 16 years old, she only needs her parent’s permission to become a wife.  Of course, for a very young girl, it makes sense for the bridegroom to be a few years older and mature enough to lead and guide his young wife.”

“At this point I would like to call Brother Meyer onto the stage. As you know, he serves our community as an experienced elder. But he is also a father and has four girls of his own. The Lord has decreed that he and his wife should not have any more children. But Brother Meyer has assured me that he takes great pleasure in raising his girls and I can tell you, he puts all his energy into it. Please tell us, Brother Meyer, what changes in your habits your eldest daughter has caused you to make.”

The person addressed rose and stepped onto the stage next to Brother Herrmann. He was a simple man, a craftsman by trade, and of muscular build. He had been a member of the church for many years and was considered a strict but just father and husband. He seemed to consider it an honor to be able to report on his experiences at this point and spoke in calm, composed words:

“Rachel is now in what is known as the critical age in a girl. So far, she has been more of an obedient daughter and I can only recall very few situations in which I had to discipline her. As you know, she was a rather frail child and I used a short leather strap to give her the discipline, just as the Lord has told us. From an early age, my wife Elisabeth made her aware of the fact that an obedient girl is loved and caressed, but a rebellious girl very quickly ends up over her mother's lap to be punished. She also used the leather strap for this and of course she did not refrain from removing the child's panties beforehand so that the punishment could take full effect.

“When Rachel turned 12, I took over her upbringing myself. It is, as you know, the defiant age when young girls tend to be rebellious, bold, and feel they must defy their parents. The world says that this is the time when a young person becomes independent, wants to push their limits and gradually breaks free from the care of their parents. But we do know that this is just Satan's attempt to grab a child's heart and fill its head with spiteful thoughts of stubbornness, rebellion, and obstinacy. Behaviors that, of course, Christian parents will not let him get away with, even if they have to use drastic measures to counteract them.”

“Rachel has always been very stubborn and often had to be corrected. But when she felt her body changing and she was evolving from girl to woman, things got particularly bad. Since then, practically not a week has gone by without her requiring severe punishment. Our oldest daughter can probably be described as precocious, which of course requires special attention for a father. But my wife was a great help to me here and never let her out of my sight. Especially since her sexual desires became more and more evident and she showed a significantly increased tendency to disobedience and immoral behavior.”

Of course, the eyes of the congregation kept swiveling towards the girl, who was infinitely ashamed and at that moment would probably have preferred to disappear into the ground. Rachel was a fairly tall girl for her age. She had grown very slender and especially male eyes recognized unmistakably that despite her only seventeen years she already presented an extremely feminine appearance. Of course, she was wrapped in a modest dress that revealed little of her charms. But every man knows you only have to watch a woman long enough to get a pretty accurate picture of the traits that define her femininity. In Rachel's case, it wasn't just nicely rounded buttocks, but above all two impressive breasts that were almost indecently visible under the thin fabric of her dress.

In strict religious circles people like to brag about how closely they keep God's commandments and how strictly they raise their children. Sometimes one even gets the impression that there is a kind of competition among the parents and that they all want to outdo one another in their godliness. A failed upbringing is therefore considered a serious flaw, especially in small communities, and the father in question loses all respect among other fathers. After all, a daughter who has engaged in immoral acts, or who has even become a whore, clearly indicates that her father did not control her well enough and that he did not chastise her sufficiently. The fact that only frequent punishments guarantee a successful upbringing is an iron principle among strictly religious people and no father wants to consciously neglect this duty.

The reality is of course completely different. A strict home has never stopped a girl from giving in to her sexual desires and getting involved with boys. At some point it's just that far. Her emotions run away with her and she thinks this cool boy from the school yard is the love of her life. Today, practically every girl has kissed a boy for the first time while still at school, has been extensively fondled by him or even experienced her first awkward sex with him. This is not really a problem for worldly parents, because after all there is the pill and moral concerns are no longer known in our time. But for deeply religious parents, sex before marriage is still unimaginable. Even talking about sex is considered taboo, and when a girl trusts herself enough and wants to talk to her mother about her feelings, it's not uncommon for her to get a slap in the face to stop such insolence. Her mother will automatically assume that her daughter has already committed lewd acts and her father will not hesitate to give the depraved young thing a good spanking.

Brother Meyer seemed to have prepared very well for his lecture. He glanced at his notes from time to time, but actually everyone had the impression that he had almost memorized his lecture. In any case, he left no detail untouched and did his best to live up to a reputation as a model father who wanted to share a piece of his experience with his confreres. The sensitivities of his daughter obviously played no role. It was, after all, a masculine subject and the duty of every godly father to nurture his entrusted feminine flesh in the spirit of the Lord.

Brother Herrmann only interrupted him with a few questions to highlight the statements that he felt were particularly important. The older man was chairman of the parish council and was considered a deeply religious person who had dedicated his entire life to faith and parish work. The education of young girls and the rights of a husband over his wife were among the subjects that seemed particularly close to his heart. At least he repeatedly kept coming back to it in his speeches and never tired of describing the enforcement of strict discipline as the only really working means. For him there should be no godly household without a suitable stick, or at least a thick leather strap, to maintain divine order. Whereby it was exclusively the master of the house who had to decide on its application, and no unwilling wife should be spared from it either.

“Foolishness is tied to the heart of a boy, the Bible teaches us. But we all know that all our girls are not exempt. On the contrary, I have the impression that young girls today act much more foolishly than boys. So wise parents should understand the words of Scripture correctly and should by no means spare their daughters the rod of discipline. While a young girl’s butt will not like it, and a disobedient girl will scream out loud when a stick or leather thong hits her tender flesh, severe spankings will be etched in her memory and have a lasting effect on her thoughts and actions.”

A murmur of agreement spread through the congregation as mothers and fathers looked at each other and nodded knowingly. The children and especially the teenagers, on the other hand, showed expressionless faces and it was easy to see that Brother Herrmann's words awakened bad memories in them, which they found infinitely embarrassing.

Brother Meyer rose to continue his remarks. After all, he hadn't addressed the core of his message yet.

"A husband and father without a cane is like a lion without teeth," he introduced the next chapter of his remarks and immediately earned hearty laughter from predominantly male throats. Although it is not my place to make regulations here that go beyond the words of Holy Scripture. The Bible only speaks of the rod of discipline, but of course we know that this is meant as an example and that the Lord endorses every instrument of discipline that has a lasting effect and thus fulfills its task. Some fathers insist on a cane because it has been used successfully in every school for centuries. Others argue that a wide, supple leather strap is much more appropriate because it hugs the curves of a woman's bottom perfectly, leaving a wide trail of burning memory. And then of course there are countless alternatives from all over the world, all of which have their own advantages and therefore also have their fans. The good old whip should also not go unmentioned, which has accompanied many a female being from childhood to adulthood. And of course the riding crop, which is probably not suitable for very young behinds, but is particularly feared by the ladies for good reason.”

He took a theatrical pause before continuing and getting to his personal take on things:

“The upbringing of a daughter is of course primarily a father's job. But he will only be really successful if he has the support of the girl's mother. Girls tend to confide in their mothers. Mothers therefore usually know exactly what is going on in their daughter's mind. And they spend more time with her, so that even the little naughtiness doesn’t go unnoticed and they can point out unfavorable developments to the master of the house at an early stage.”

"That's how I learned from my wife that Rachel had developed a conspicuous tendency to be recalcitrant, even rebellious. She also said that the use of the familiar leather strap obviously no longer had the necessary effect on her. `She clenches her teeth stubbornly when I spank her. It's like she's showing me that she's too grown up to be spanked like a little kid.' So I decided it was time for a change and I'd like to share the secret of how to go about it when dealing with a daughter who can no longer be reached with the previous form of punishment.”

He gave a sign to his daughter, who then came onto the stage with a bright red face and a bundle of willow branches in her hand. She presented it to her father in order to return to her seat as quickly as possible and thus to withdraw from the direct field of view of the congregation.

“Whoever visits our home will first notice a dark brown floor vase that stands in the entrance area of ​​our house right next to the cloakroom. We've been keeping a supply of thin, pliable willow rods in there lately. Our youngest doesn't get to feel it yet. But it's her job to go down to the creek every week and cut two dozen fresh branches off the weeping willows there. Such a willow has the practical advantage that its branches hang down to the ground and are therefore easy for a child to reach. I think there is a valuable educational effect in having our youngest do this so that she can have a tangible sense of what she too will feel one day when she is of the right age.”

He demonstratively held up the rod that his embarrassed daughter had handed him.

“This is a willow rod that I commend to you, brothers, for raising teenage daughters. This one is made from a dozen fairly thin willow branches tied together at the thick end into a tight bundle. It's just right for Rachel, but of course each of you can decide for yourself how many welts you want to give a bare butt with each smack.”

He hissed the rod impressively through the air and placed it on his lectern.

“The Lord decided to turn my Rachel from a girl to a woman at a rather young age. And he obviously foresaw her rebellious streak and in his indescribable wisdom gave her a beautifully shaped rear end that lends itself to a rod like this. Of course, she is now too big to be draped over my knee like her younger sisters. But a father who has to raise several girls in these trying times naturally knows how to help himself. The only thing I did was to simply attach two leather loops to the head of her bed. When Rachel is belly button naked and ready to be punished, I use these to immobilize her wrists and the rod can spring into action. Twelve well-aimed strokes are usually enough to bring her to her senses, and she will be able to see the welts whenever she stands in front of the mirror for several days.”

"Twelve willow rods times twelve lashes equals 144 welts. A beating with a willow rod is therefore quite severe punishment and not comparable to the two-finger-wide leather strap that Rachel has known up until now. Because even a branch that has been carefully cleaned of all foliage is never really smooth, it cannot be avoided that the skin is scratched here and there and small drops of blood appear. But I can say that Rachel's behavior has improved significantly. "

With that he seemed to have said what he wanted to say, and Brother Herrmann thanked him for his frank words, after which the highly esteemed brother, walked off the stage to applause.

“Brother Meyer described very clearly how you can adjust the style of parenting to suit a little girl as well as a teenager or a young woman about to be married. I would like to add one more aspect that I touched on briefly earlier: There must be no false prudishness in upbringing. Of course, a father is a man and of course a daughter is female and will be naked when she is punished. After all, the desired educational effect can only be achieved on bare skin. Also, an essential part of effective punishment is to ignore a young girl's natural shame and, as a rule, strip her naked before the first blow. This isn't just for their humiliation. It also shows her that she will always be the naked, vulnerable child she was born to be, not only before God but also before her father.”

“We fathers should set ourselves free from impure thoughts. We should learn to accept nudity in the family as something expected and natural. We should not let anything stop us from raising our daughters the proper way, as this is right in God's eyes. And that includes getting her naked before punishment. It is of course part of the nature of things that a father receives very intimate insights, even with a daughter who already has clear characteristics of a real woman. When the leather strap does its job, she won't be able to keep her legs still and chastely closed. She won't just scream and howl. She will also kick wildly and forget any shame. So she will show her educator again and again what the Lord has given her so that sooner or later she can make her husband happy. She will be ashamed of it afterwards, but in the moment of pain she will have no inhibitions.

“It is a father's and educator's prerogative to gain insight that would otherwise be wholly improper. He will witness his daughter's physical development and be able to follow all the changes in her body as she slowly but surely becomes a woman. He will experience how her hips widen and her buttocks become fuller, how the first pubic hair forms and how the first buds sprout in order to become pointed or round, big or small breasts. He will experience the wonder of nature that the Lord intended. And it will be her own fault, because he will only ever see her femininity if she has given him a reason to strip her naked and punish her.

“None of this will arouse a father with pure thoughts. He will be in awe of it, for it is part of the miracle called creation. And if it excites him, then he still has a wife who is responsible for satisfying his cravings.”

This brought Brother Herrmann to the end of today's sermon. He was sure that his words hadn't gone unnoticed. He knew that especially the teenagers present would think about it for a long time. And he intoned the concluding hymn of the service, knowing that he had again strengthened numerous fathers in their tireless task of bringing up children and helped them to realize that they were on the right path and had God's blessing.