Generation Z: Die Generation, die nie erzogen wurde

Eine Generation, die nie gefordert wurde, kommt jetzt in die Arbeitswelt. Sie wurden von hysterischen Müttern zur Schule gefahren, damit sie auch wirklich sicher ankommen. Sie haben akademische Titel, sind aber kaum in der Lage, zwei fehlerfreie Sätze zu schreiben. Sie können weniger als jede Generation vor ihnen, haben aber die höchsten Ansprüche.

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Proper parenting is always authoritarian

According to the standards of modern education, a cane stands for brute force and therefore has no place in the classroom. According to Western psychology, a child suffers lifelong trauma from being slapped, spanked or even flogged. Our great-grandparents must therefore have caused tremendous psychological damage. Oddly enough, you don't feel any of that.

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Proper child-raising requires firm rules

The world has probably never changed as quickly and drastically as it has in the last two generations. However, most developments have been limited to the so-called Western world. In South America, Africa and all of Asia, on the other hand, people still live by the same rules that their grandfathers knew. This also applies to the education of the next generation.

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A family as it should be

He is a photographer and lives with his wife and three children far away from the large metropolitan areas in a tranquil German region called Sauerland. The outside world perceives a completely normal family, which does not particularly attract attention. The woman is pretty and always greets in a friendly manner when a neighbor meets her in the supermarket. The children don't seem to cause any problems and are always polite and courteous. Everything seems to harmonize perfectly. However, no one knows the reason behind it all.

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The cashier at Aldi really existed just as much as the slim girl in the gym and the two friends on the beach. But Wolfram Steffen is not only a good observer. He also writes down the rest of the story until it reaches its painful end. 







"Ich stimme Feministinnen nicht zu, wenn sie sagen, dass Frauen besser sind als Männer oder dass Frauen so stark und fähig sind. Was mich stört, ist nicht, dass sie das sagen, sondern dass sie an etwas glauben, das nicht der Realität entspricht. Männer, die Entscheidungen treffen, waren und sind effizienter und kompetenter als Frauen. Eine Frau trifft Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage dessen, was sie fühlt, was die Menschen um sie herum denken, was die Meinung anderer Leute ist und so weiter."


Male dominance between spanking and BDSM

Spanking is the secret world of sexual arousal between dominance and submission. Spanking is part of the BDSM scene and is still completely different. In earlier generations, domestic discipline and spanking was an everyday occurrence. Back then, strict mothers and zealous governesses took care of raising the brood. Fathers, teachers and husbands, on the other hand, had a secret desire to ensure discipline and order, especially among women. It was about bringing forth female humility and eradicating any form of rebelliousness. It was about punishment, chastisement and correction. And canes, willow rods, riding crops, leather straps or whips were used to cause welts on female buttocks and to form female thoughts. This is still daily practice in large parts of the world. Elsewhere, there is a BDSM or spanking scene where people act out what is obviously an inherent part of our disposition.


The spanking world of male dominance.
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