Humility is anything but weakness

Women and humility are terms that are rarely associated today. It used to be different. Two or three generations ago, no man wanted an emancipated woman who went her own way and could do without men. Such a woman was considered a masculine and played no role in male dreams. In demand was the submissive woman who knew her place and lay at her master's feet. But is it really different today?

If people want to achieve something together, they have to create structures. It must be clear who is at the top and who has to serve, who has a say and who has to obey. Anything else leads to constant chaos and discussions instead of moving everyone forward together. In relationships, it's not much different. Again, there has to be someone in charge while everyone else just plain and simple abides by it.

Where this is not the case, sooner or later nothing will work anymore. Where man and woman think they have equal rights, decisions will eventually become impossible because everything has to be discussed endlessly. Where partners don't pull together, they will eventually go their separate ways.

These days, only a few women know their actual place in the relationship. They just aren't taught it anymore, and they don't learn it from their parents either. Instead, most grow up in broken relationships or are the result of single mothers with frustration in their heads and a hatred of men in their hearts.

But if you look more closely, you see the same pattern over and over again. The woman feels "emancipated" because that's modern today. She wants to have a say in everything, even if she really has no idea. And when she doesn't get her way, she boycotts her husband's decision. She crosses it. She has to prove a point. All this poisons the atmosphere until at some point there is nothing left of the once hopeful relationship.

All you have to do is recognize the signs of nature and know who should be in charge in a relationship and who finds fulfillment in assisting, supporting and serving.

A man's brain is structured differently than a woman's. Any brain researcher will confirm that. A man thinks differently, reacts differently and makes decisions differently than a woman does. He thinks more logically, while she is prone to emotion. He knows what he wants, while she first has to ask her friends. He makes decisions, while she never really knows what she wants. He's the alpha wolf, while she actually prefers to be beta.

This has nothing to do with better or worse. This simply means that men and women are naturally endowed with different strengths and weaknesses.

Once you have recognized this, you are also on the way to a good relationship in which the roles are clearly assigned in such a way that everyone can contribute their individual strengths. Because that's what makes a team. This is the key to success. And that's the secret behind the now few marriages that last a lifetime and are secretly admired by those who only made it for a few years.

If you look deeper, you will always find the same picture here. There is a strong man who knows how to lead. And there's a submissive woman who doesn't fight for superiority, preferring to be led by him and to stand by his side. Not because she's weak. Not because any compulsion is involved. It's because she's aware of her feminine (not feminist) nature and knows exactly what her natural strengths are.

This is also the reason why such relationships have such an aura of solidity and durability. There is no struggle for supremacy here, because everyone knows their place and knows what to do and what not to do. It is not the that a submissive woman does not have her own wishes and preferences. But she doesn't fight for it, because fighting is a male quality. She uses her femininity to fulfill her desires. Really quiet. Without making big waves. Somehow endearing and yet successful.

But even a dominant man usually appears very differently than expected. He's not the guy in leather clothes with a whip in his hand, as you know him from the SM scene. A man who is aware of his masculinity does not have to let his superiority hang out. His wife knows he has the upper hand, and it's none of anyone else's business.

It starts with the fact that he never behaves condescendingly or even bossy towards his wife. He knows he's the boss, and so does she. He can be sure that she WILL obey him, and she WILL never leave a doubt about it. Therefore, in their particular relationship, there are things that are inseparable: courtesy and appreciation on the one hand and respect and humility on the other.

He will help her out of the car, because that is not always without problems for a woman in a dress. He'll hold the door open for her because that's what a gentleman does. Of course, he will pay the bill in the restaurant and then help her into her coat. He's the man and knows what's proper. She is the woman and deserves to be treated as such.

For that, she will be happy to pay him respect and leave no doubt that he is the one in charge here. She knows she has to obey him, but she also enjoys being courted by him. Above all, she would never in her life even think of embarrassing him in front of others, because he would never put up with that, and it would undoubtedly have painful consequences for her.

An emancipated woman says out loud what she thinks. In company, she has no problem confronting her husband in front of everyone that she is bored and wants to go home. Most men today would secretly roll their eyes, but they would dutifully do what Madame asked.

For a submissive woman that would be unthinkable, impossible, outrageous. If she had the desire to finally go home, it would discreetly whisper it in her husband's ear. And she would not expect him to respond promptly to her request, but would wait patiently until he is ready to acknowledge her wish. Because she knows for sure that he will not simply ignore her request and will ultimately do her the favor. In his time. If he sees fit.

A submissive woman will not provoke a man, nor will she dare to simply disregard the rules he has set for her and their life together. She knows that he always treats her with courtesy and respect. But she also knows that he can be extremely strict with her. For her punishment, there is a cane in the bedroom closet. Or a leather strap. Or maybe even a real whip.

Her husband will not hesitate to continue the education she has been used to since she was a child. He will do anything to drive out any signs of unwelcome rebelliousness, insubordination or disobedience. When he is finished with her, she will have tears in her eyes. She will also wear swelling welts on the part of her body that nature intended for her punishment. And she will feel remorse for giving him cause chastising her. But she will also thank him for showing her the limits that a woman must never cross. And she will do anything to show him that gratitude.

An emancipated woman would now probably talk about mistreatment and cite paragraphs. She would cry to all their friends and enjoy the pity she receives in return. And of course, she would leave the toxic relationship as soon as possible. But in her life, there will never be a man who treats her with politeness and courtesy. Because there is no one who appreciates her as a feminine being. For it’s only humble women who are truly loved and find protection and security in the arms of a real man.