Mit der Rute den Eigensinn vertreiben

Erziehungsratgeber aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert kannten eigentlich nur zwei Mittel zur wirksamen Erziehung von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Zwang und Schläge. Lange bevor das Thema von Psychologen besetzt und problematisiert wurde, schrieben erfahrene Pädagogen dicke Bücher über Erziehung aus der Praxis und für die Praxis.

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Kurzer Prozess: Kindheit in den 60er Jahren

Im Zeitalter vor der Pille kamen Kinder auf die Welt, weil die Natur es eben so gewollt hatte. Manche wurden als Geschenk Gottes angesehen. Andere wurden eben geboren, weil zwei Menschen Sex gehabt hatten. Im Mittelpunkt standen sie nie. Sie mussten sich einfügen, hatten zu spuren oder bekamen Prügel.

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Generation Z: Die Generation, die nie erzogen wurde

Eine Generation, die nie gefordert wurde, kommt jetzt in die Arbeitswelt. Sie wurden von hysterischen Müttern zur Schule gefahren, damit sie auch wirklich sicher ankommen. Sie haben akademische Titel, sind aber kaum in der Lage, zwei fehlerfreie Sätze zu schreiben. Sie können weniger als jede Generation vor ihnen, haben aber die höchsten Ansprüche.

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"A woman simply needs male guidance"

The psychologist and behavioral scientist Dr. Eberhard Hülscher is considered an outsider among his peers. His female colleagues in particular react violently to his theses. He provokes the Greens, Leftists and Socialists, and there are loud calls for a professional ban. But his seminars are just as fully booked as his lectures at the university.

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Secrets need to be eradicated

Marriage is not friendship, even if this is widely believed. A lasting relationship also has nothing to do with romantic love but follows clear laws that do not have to be negotiated but are given by nature. It is obvious that the man is the stronger and takes the lead. Just like with Markus and Petra.

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Your punishments will never end

Young girls forget quickly. A spanking will therefore not last forever and sometimes it is only a few days before the memory needs to be refreshed. It's not much different with adult women. But a vigilant husband knows exactly when it's that time again and the wife almost wants to be put back in her place.

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Three ways to use a woman

Nature speaks a clear language. It's not just the baboon that goes crazy for the bright red butt of a female baboon. The man on the street also can't help but fix his gaze on the butt of a woman, who in turn does everything to present this crucial body part as conspicuously as possible. But things only become really obvious when she is naked and ready to let him take her.

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Bad behavior must have consequences

Offenses are punished. Inevitably and without exception. This should be the basic principle of every father, and the children should know this just as much as the wife. But this requires clear rules, unambiguous orders, and unmistakable prohibitions. If a man does not lay these down from the beginning, he will not be able to assert himself either to the children or to his wife.

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Proper parenting is always authoritarian

According to the standards of modern education, a cane stands for brute force and therefore has no place in the classroom. According to Western psychology, a child suffers lifelong trauma from being slapped, spanked or even flogged. Our great-grandparents must therefore have caused tremendous psychological damage. Oddly enough, you don't feel any of that.

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Proper child-raising requires firm rules

The world has probably never changed as quickly and drastically as it has in the last two generations. However, most developments have been limited to the so-called Western world. In South America, Africa and all of Asia, on the other hand, people still live by the same rules that their grandfathers knew. This also applies to the education of the next generation.

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Humility is anything but weakness

Women and humility are terms that are rarely associated today. It used to be different. Two or three generations ago, no man wanted an emancipated woman who went her own way and could do without men. Such a woman was considered a masculine and played no role in male dreams. In demand was the submissive woman who knew her place and lay at her master's feet. But is it really different today?

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Why she must always be naked

A woman has to obey, and if she doesn't, she has to learn who is the master of the house and who has authority over her. All dominant men agree on that. There is also a broad consensus as to how it should be done: she must wear welts on her body if she has defied his will, for only beatings will be able to keep her in check and ensure her obedience.

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A spending spree and its consequences

For any woman there must be occasional highlights in life that only a woman among women can experience. For Annette, there were those little highlights that every woman appreciates. At least once a month she would meet up with her friends for a girls' night out. And judging by the mood in which she came back from those evenings, it seemed to do her good. But then came the idea of Prague...

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A family as it should be

He is a photographer and lives with his wife and three children far away from the large metropolitan areas in a tranquil German region called Sauerland. The outside world perceives a completely normal family, which does not particularly attract attention. The woman is pretty and always greets in a friendly manner when a neighbor meets her in the supermarket. The children don't seem to cause any problems and are always polite and courteous. Everything seems to harmonize perfectly. However, no one knows the reason behind it all.

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Domestic discipline: Marriage like a hundred years ago

While the emancipations of this world are constantly demanding new privileges for the female part of the world, there are countless women who are consciously looking for the security of a marriage in which, as has been the case for thousands of years, the man is in charge and the woman is primarily there for it is to serve him, to be available for him and to make his life pleasant. The term for this is Domestic Discipline (DD) and the religiously motivated variant of it Christian Domestic Discipline (CDD). Whereby it is of course the women who are disciplined and feel the beatings of their husbands.

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Wise words of an old patriarch

Today's youth no longer knows what a strict upbringing is. Young girls terrorize their parents, who no longer know how to deal with it. Rebellious teenagers try life with no one to set boundaries. Young women stumble from one relationship to the next and pass through countless men's hands until their lust has faded and nobody is interested in them anymore. None of them have ever received a slap in the face, let alone felt a cane or a leather strap.

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The cashier at Aldi really existed just as much as the slim girl in the gym and the two friends on the beach. But Wolfram Steffen is not only a good observer. He also writes down the rest of the story until it reaches its painful end. 







"Es war eine raue Zeit. Mt einer Dirne verschwendete das Gericht keine Zeit. Sie wurde einfach auf der Strafbank fixiert und bezog zwei Dutzend Stockhiebe. Bei den meisten Frauen genügte das, um sie von ihrer Unzucht zu heilen." 

Manfred, Geschichtslehrer

Male dominance between spanking and BDSM

Spanking is the secret world of sexual arousal between dominance and submission. Spanking is part of the BDSM scene and is still completely different. In earlier generations, domestic discipline and spanking was an everyday occurrence. Back then, strict mothers and zealous governesses took care of raising the brood. Fathers, teachers and husbands, on the other hand, had a secret desire to ensure discipline and order, especially among women. It was about bringing forth female humility and eradicating any form of rebelliousness. It was about punishment, chastisement and correction. And canes, willow rods, riding crops, leather straps or whips were used to cause welts on female buttocks and to form female thoughts. This is still daily practice in large parts of the world. Elsewhere, there is a BDSM or spanking scene where people act out what is obviously an inherent part of our disposition.


The spanking world of male dominance.
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